The question of what the epilogue actually is.For all characters: Is what can be seen in the epilogue false or how everyone actually was? If it is the latter, then it could easily be that Jennifer's bullying wasn't nearly as bad as it seemed, there had never been any sexual attacks from Hoffman and Gregory was a friendly, if shy and confused man before getting manipulated.Since that still aligns with the story of "Sir Peter", it's probably him, but it would leave the question: Driven to Suicide or the Aristocat's Club Creepy Souvenir?

There is also the split second during "The Funeral" where lightning shows the shadow of what looks like a hanging corpse at the staircase. Did Hoffman leave the orphanage because he was afraid that the Aristocrats would try to kill him or did he have a My God, What Have I Done? moment concerning his molestation of Clara and Diana and wanted to leave before he caused any more damage? One of the storybooks seems to imply the latter, but most fans prefer the former.Speaking of the imps, were they representing the children during Martha's death or did Martha fall down the stairs and die in front of Jennifer and her mind simply added imps in while she was reliving that memory?.Which would mean the children killed Martha, and Hoffman ran like hell so he wouldn't be next. Some theories posit that the imps are really the other children, and Jennifer only sees them as monsters because she can't cope with the idea of children doing what the imps do, hence the Animal Motifs linking them to the rest of the Red Crayon Aristocrats.Gregory) killed any of the missing children, insisting that Wendy only blamed him for it while committing the murders directly. One forum moderator staunchly refused the idea that Stray Dog (a.k.a.