
Portmanteau coinage for the uneducated
Portmanteau coinage for the uneducated

portmanteau coinage for the uneducated
  1. Portmanteau coinage for the uneducated movie#
  2. Portmanteau coinage for the uneducated software#

Portmanteau coinage for the uneducated movie#

Had to remember that the movie " HUGO" ever existed ( 54A: Best Picture-nominated 2011 film based on a children's book). Had to change GET AT to LET ON (45D: Intimate). I think my breakthrough came with getting IRON off the "I", which allowed me to see the -SAUR on PTEROSAUR. But the French chess thing, yikes ( 51A: Special pawn move in chess), the APOLAR clue, another yikes ( 38A: Electrically balanced, in chemistry). I decided to try IBEAM out, and that helped some. I knew MAHARISHI, but otherwise I had almost nothing down here at first pass. Also, not a thing (pter anodon is a genus of PTEROSAUR, in case you ever need that little bit of trivia). I knew "ptero" meant "wing," but after that. My flying dino-knowledge began and ended with pterodactyl. Eventually dropped the -SAUR part of PTEROSAUR in there, but I didn't know that was a thing. The SW was by far the hardest corner for me. It's all just a little SEVERE without enough allaying joy. I also liked MAKE A MOVE-it's simple but it's got freshness and energy. I liked HEIST FILMS because I like HEIST FILMS and I liked ROOT BEER because I like ROOT BEER. LIMA, PERU is also somewhat absurd, as are most city, country answers (where does it end? is MUNICHGERMANY OK? GDANSKPOLAND?).

portmanteau coinage for the uneducated

The clue for ON BASE is absurd without a "maybe" or some kind of qualifier ( 40D: Looking to steal, say).

portmanteau coinage for the uneducated

Don't believe in DONK at all (did GENERATION ALPHA invent it? I've never seen it before, except maybe as a sound effect in comic books). Didn't care for the corporate shilling of OK, GOOGLE. This answer wasn't hard for me to get just felt blah. I don't think any one of them is particularly famous or evocative. I have watched more movies than almost anyone since the pandemic started (400-ish and counting), and though I am aware of the existence of AFI LISTS, I have never looked at one. It's weird to think that AFI LISTS, plural, should fly, when, I mean, you hardly ever even see AFI in the puzzle to begin with. POKER PROS was like yesterday's ITALIAN MEAL, where I got the first part, but the latter part didn't snap into place, and when I eventually got it, it elicited more of a shrug / "I guess" than an aha. I recognize those things as things, but they're just not thingy enough.

Portmanteau coinage for the uneducated software#

On the other hand, answers like AFILISTS and POKERPROS suggest a massive constructing software wordlist that has not been carefully curated. Not in love with either of those answers, but credit for trying. The two most original-seeming answers are GENERATION ALPHA (first I'm hearing of it) and BOOBOISIE (don't believe anyone actually says this-Mencken ( probably) coined it 100 years ago and we're still pretending it's a thing!?). But for all the 8+-letter answers here, there's not much in the way of pizzazz or delightfulness. The heavy segmentation ensures that you're never gonna get much of a flow going, and that if you get stuck in a corner, boy you really get stuck. A grid shape that's designed to be tough, but not particularly interesting.

Portmanteau coinage for the uneducated